Mu-An Chiou

Eine Software-Designerin und -Entwickerin, die bescheidene Websites erstellt.

Lebt in Taipei, Taiwan. Frühere Wohnorte sind New York, London und Birmingham, UK.

Zuletzt aktualisiert am 05. 07.: Selbstständig. Schläft, strickt, lernt Deutsch und backt manchmal Brot. Plant teilzeit in Berlin zu leben.



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Heute Tiere × 82 Chat × 20 Bücher × 24 Taiwan × 78 Selbst × 16 Reisen × 62 Küche × 16 Ofen × 55 Post × 31 Pflanzen × 35 Freunde × 44 Polaroid × 12


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a statue of a one Bruckner in a park with a black bird perching on its hand a person reading a newspaper at a cafe table with big windows and much natural light A painting on the wall in a museum with passer by. Paining has an erring feeling with a dying tree with what seems like crowd perching but are actually skully figures in black robes. a row of windows each with one potted plant in them, with brown trimmings and white wall a train station with a bench, a clock, and a ticker reading, we ride with pride.


Alle Filmfotos RSS
a green path and white sign of a person with hat holding a child painted on it. A pedestrian path. a back blank sign on the side of a building painted light yellow, white, and baby blue top to down. a car parked in on a cobble stone street under tree shading on a bright sunny day a lone plastic chair in a overgrown garden two balloons joined together flying in the sky with trees in the foreground


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Neueste: 10.09.2024


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