Mu-An Chiou


October 2023 (Liked.)Like?
Kodak Ektar with Kodak Ultra Max 400 (42/74)

Melbourne, Hualian, Nantou.

Graffits on a brick wall, including one with a block of cheese, captioned 'cheese machine'
"Was it a machine that makes cheese or consume cheese?"
Construction site on a rooftop
Inside of a cafe with tenugui hanging from the ceiling
Blurry emu.
Baby emu was shy.
Two bring green and red parrots standing by each other.
Nice birds.
Woman sitting on metal wires hung between trees
The differences between my friends and I are non-negligible.
Blurry view of a traffic sign against raindrops
Early Spring in Melbourne.
Flower blossoms
Also early Spring in Melbourne
Road side garden protected by metal bars
Unsure if this was intentional.
Construction site behind metal grid fence
I like construction sites.
A marron metal door with cross decoration and whimsical typeface for the number 186
Someone made this typeface choice.
Street side garbage can with a sticker where a person wears a jacket that says 'Love is hell'
Love is hell.
A pegion sitting looking code on the floor.
They were big.
A yellow sign reading 'ROUGH SURFACE' and graffitis reading 'KILL NAZIS' along with other illegible text
Instead of fixing rough surfaces we can put a sign up.
A door to a department store marked with an image of X and a makeshift bed with leopard pattern in front of it.
That was a bed.
Man holding a plate being served a very cheesy deep dish pizza.
Aussies' first experience of Chicago style deep dish pizza. I told them this was not it.
People posing with a beer tower
I didn't know this is a thing.
Person with curly hair holding a pizza box with leftover pizzas and one in their hand
We bullied them into eating the pizza leftovers on the street.
A broken yellow circle mark on the road making it look like a pacman
Risked my life standing in the middle of the road for Pacman.
Lemon tree with many lemons
A lemon tree.
A big tree on the street of Melbourne
A good day.
Three people sitting on bikes and public benches checking their phone.
Bored for different reasons.
Confier bushes I think
They look like hands.
A white structure with 'Toilet', an email address, and an illustration of a dress wearing girl watering plants.
Do they get a lot of spams?
Dimmly lit staircase with light and sunlight shining from the window, 9 written on the wall.
I was trapped here for a hot second.
A mural of pink people being abduted by a spaceship and a black cat watches on by.
This makes sense.
A door with various paper signs including one that reads 'THIS IS A DOOR!' repeated 4 times.
THIS IS A TRAP! (Got a Canon AE-1 here)
View from the backseat of a car with silhouettes of the front seat passengers
I didn't want to take the train down for work so tricked(?) my friends into a road trip.
View of a foggy mountain
We were so cold.
Foggy mountains
Foggy mountains
Forest, clouds, mountain range.
We have good mountains.
In the thick fog there is light shining onto a cloudy valley.
Film ran out on another camera so please accept this subpar image of a magical moment.
Forest under clouds.
I really love coniferous forest.
View of a lake a mountain range behind it.
Sun moon lake. Tourist for a day.
View of a lake a mountain range behind it.
Ropeway systems leading up to a mountain top with yellow and red carts
Actually pretty nice views. Would recommend.
A cat sitting by a bike in a dark place looking at the camera.
Very skittish. I forgot to bring treats.
A church at night across the road being outlined by neon lights
Fun artistic choice.

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