Mu-An Chiou


Last month while gaming a friend introduced me to his friend cause he thought we’d get along. I am very particular; “bold move” I thought. But we did hit it off immediately. We’ve only played once since given timezone and adulthood, but because of her Syrian and Palestinian background we got to texting about current affairs and shared generational trauma. Today we had a 5 hour phone call about everything from geopolitical conflicts, religions, to relationships and sexuality. When people vibe they vibe~ She now probably knows the most intimate secrets about me LOL. Video games are great. The true gateway drug to an instant ride-or-die friendship.

Her: Let me know how it goes at the hospital today. I hope everything turns out OK. I’ll be thinking of you.

Me: Oh my god you’re too expressive. I am like this stone cold person who can’t reciprocate.

Her: I know you feel it and just can’t say it. I got you. No worries . ;)


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