Mu-An Chiou


The Matrix Reloaded (2003): the reason why I can never enjoy sci-fi films boils down to the fact that I just can’t see past the inconsistencies in logic. They make outlandish claims about infinite intelligence and super advanced technology, but still have shape shifting bug robot men losing a fight because they were held by a necktie, and the chosen one with god like abilities and speed to dodge bullets couldn’t outrun a man running to the door. why do everyone insignificant in Zion wears beige? why did agent smiths only pull out a gun they had all along after an escape route was opened by the keymaker? what did the twin expect to happen when they stood in front of Trinity’s speeding car with a pocket knife? why does everyone suck at cable management?… anyways, Seraph is played by a Taiwanese actor, fun fact.

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